Monday, October 20, 2008

Let's do another worldview analysis on another piece of literature! Yeah!

I'm referring to She Unnames Them by Ursula K. Le Guin of course. Well, let's get to it then. Get ready to read another Colin Ancel masterpiece.

I assume you're reading this because you want to know what I think the worldview is for the short story, She Unnames Them right? Well there are 6 basic schools of thought when trying to deduce what the worldview of a particular piece is:

God and Humanity: Who is in power or control of this universe?
  • Well, after reading the piece thoroughly, I would say that Eve is in control of this universe. After God names everything, Eve goes about and changes them all.
  • "None were left now to unname" - Eve is saying this after she unnames and renames all of the animals.
Humanity and Identity: What is the nature of humans?
  • In this short story, we can see that humans are naturally sinful in this universe. You can see this best when Eve says "It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately." Eve is so wrapped up in her own pride that she thinks she knows what's best and she thinks she should be the one in charge. Sound a little familiar? *cough* Lucifer! *cough*
  • C.S. Lewis says in Mere Christianity "Pride is the complete anti-God state of mind." (pg. 122)
Conflict and Suffering: Where are the flaws or conflict in this universe?
  • Because Eve is a naturally sinful human and she is filled with pride, there is much conflict within her.
  • "One of my reasons for doing what I did was that talk was getting us nowhere" - Eve obviously felt that something needed to be done in order to get the attention of Adam and even of God. This is apparent from this quote.
  • Perhaps she was angry... Or maybe her intentions weren't as bad as Lucifer's when he tempted Adam and Eve... Either way, she is obviously struggling internally and she is having conflicts because she feels she is not equal with God and/or Adam. Because of this, she feels that she has to go about changing all the names of the animals. Maybe she did this because she really did think they were wrong in the first place, or maybe she did it because she just wanted to get some attention and wanted to talk to Adam and God more... Hmm, too many theories to think about to put on one blog. Perhaps another time. I've answered this particular question adequately I think.
Hope and Redemption: Where does one find hope in this universe?
  • Eve creates her own reality in this story. God has already named these creatures specific things but Eve thinks she knows what is best and creates new names for everything. According to this story, Eve will find hope within herself because God is an inadequate creator. Essentially, she creates her "new world". This is one of the main characteristics of post modernism.
  • I'll use the same quote again. "It's been really useful, but it doesn't eactly seem to fit very well lately."
Values and Relationships: What is the relationship between the characters in the story?
  • To put it simply, the relationship between Adam, Eve, and God is dwindling. To me, it seems that one of the main reasons that Eve went about changing the names of the animals was to insert herself, so to speak, back into the relationship.
  • "One of my reasons for doing what I did was that talk was getting us nowhere"
Truth and Reality: What is true and what is real?
  • I'll lay out the solid truth for you MJ. Everyone does their own thing. People create their own worlds, realities, existance. Everything that God has done can be easily undone by humans and will be based on the fact that Eve renamed all of the animals and she is a naturally sinful human just like the rest of us. The people rule and that's the bottom line because Colin Ancel said so.
So what is the actual worldview of the piece you ask? Well I'll tell you. From my understanding and comprehension of the piece, She Unnames Them is a postmodern piece where the people create their own reality and the people do what is best for the individual.

So there it is. Hope I completed the assignment to to your satisfaction.

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